Polar Bears in The Autumnal Foliage

SEPTEMBER 14th-21st 2024

I invite you to embark on a captivating adventure with me - to Churchill, Manitoba, Canada this September. Join me on the Western shore of the famed Hudson Bay, where vibrant fall hues set the stage across the tundra for unforgettable encounters with majestic polar bears.

September is a season of transformation on the Canadian tundra, alive with vibrant shades of gold, orange, red and teeming with potential wildlife encounters beyond the iconic bears such as hares, arctic fox, red foxes, wolves, birdlife and if we fortunate, perhaps the elusive wolverine!

By day, our itinerary will extend ample opportunity to explore the local flora and fauna with a focus on searching for the region's most popular resident, the renowned polar bear. As night closes in and a blanket of darkness begins to fall across the region - our focus shifts from the windswept fall hues of the landscape to the heavens above for the most sought after global experience of 2024 - the aurora borealis.

While we cannot guarantee sightings of the elusive Northern Lights, this is a promising time of year in Churchill for auroral activity. We will make every effort possible each evening to be prepared for nightly tundra tours should the enchanting electric green light of aurora grace us with her presence. Bearing witness to this cosmic ballet of colour and light, will be one of the great moments of your life.

With the expertise of our local guides from Discover Churchill leading the way for our intimate group on this transformative journey to Churchill, will we will delve into the region's rich history and natural wonders.

Frequently Asked Questions

What level of outdoors person do I need to be?
Any level is welcome. Whether you're a seasoned Arctic traveler or a first-time wilderness adventurer, you're going to have a blast on this expedition. This is a low level physical activity trip.

What vehicles are we in on the Tundra?
Our local guides from Discover Churchill will take us out onto the tundra in 4 4-wheel drive vehicles that allow us the ability to safely exit the vehicles and photograph wildlife at eye level as they keep a safe eye out for both us and wildlife.

What are our accommodations like?
We will be staying in Bed and Breakfasts. Comfortable, cozy accommodations with wifi, full bathrooms, and full kitchens stocked with cookware and breakfast items. All rooms are double occupancy. Inquire about a single supplement for an additional $1050 if you'd prefer a private room.

Is this for photographers only?
No! This trip is definitely designed with photographers in mind, but by no means is it a requirement. Bearing witness to a polar bear strolling past you or laying back on the tundra soaking in the dance of the aurora - is just as awe inspiring with or without a camera!

Is full payment due upfront?
No. Contact me if you'd like to pay a deposit to reserve your spot and the remaining balance will be due in a few months from now. Of course if you wish to make a full payment upfront that is accepted.

How many in the group?
The group will consist of myself, 2 local guides from Discover Churchill and 9 guests maximum.

The cost?
$5999 USD Per person based on double occupancy

- Accommodation in Winnipeg ** (Single rooms are an additional $200 USD per night)
- Roundtrip flights between Winnipeg and Churchill
- All meals in Churchill (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
- Guiding services in Churchill for polar bears/other wildlife and northern lights
- Accommodation in Churchill at Polar Inn** (Single room occupancy available at additional cost of $1050 USD)
- Zodiac adventure to see Churchill wildlife from the water

Not included:
- Airfare to and from your point of origin
- Meals in Winnipeg
- Gratuities
- Camera gear.
- Travel Insurance (recommended)
- Alcohol
- Items of a personal nature (souvenirs, gifts, extra snacks, gear, etc.)

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